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Explore! Our articles cover anything and everything to do with West Lothian, West Edinburgh and Falkirk.
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Nov 6, 20192 min read
Re-engage: Tackling loneliness in West Lothian with tea and company
Loneliness is one of the most invisible but debilitating issues in society today, but all across West Lothian volunteers are working to...

Jul 29, 20193 min read
Bathgate Thistle : Community Football Club going from strength to strength
Bathgate Thistle CFC youth section are celebrating another successful year! With almost 500 members (and growing), the club has made...

Jun 13, 20194 min read
Boghall Drop In!
“We need to let as many people as possible know about what we have here, because it is really special,” says Victoria, one of the Board...

May 9, 20193 min read
The Games and the Chieftains
West Lothian’s own celebration of the historic Highland Games tradition takes place in Bathgate on 25th May. The hill run to the top of...

May 3, 20192 min read
La Piuma: Food, Family, Friends
“We got lost one day in the car, and ended up in Bathgate by mistake. It was Procession Day, a few years ago. All the flags were out and...

Dec 29, 20183 min read
Medieval history & a mystery on your doorstep
Most people think the only medieval structure in Bathgate is the scant remains of the 14th century castle that Walter, High Steward of...

Feb 1, 20174 min read
King Jamie's Silver Mines
When a local collier found some unusual stones at Hilderston, near Cairnpapple in the Bathgate Hills, he couldn’t have imagined the stir...

Mar 1, 20164 min read
Community First Responsers
When you dial 999 for an ambulance, did you know that as well as dispatching an ambulance, in some circumstances the service calls a...

Feb 8, 20167 min read
The Bathgate Baker's Boy who Changed the World
The face of Bathgate bairn Dr James Young Simpson is painted on the “pioneering spirit” First buses. What is not painted there is a...

Apr 30, 20143 min read
John Newland Festival - What's it all about?
John Newland was one of the many Scots who sailed to the West Indies in the 18th century to make their fortunes out of sugar and slave

Mar 3, 20144 min read
Let's go fly a camera kite
Kite flying has timeless appeal ...but how many people realise that flying a kite can be used to discover what lies underground?...

Jul 4, 20124 min read
There's a coach coming in!
West Lothian’s varied travel history includes a 90 year period when stagecoaches ruled the roads. Between 1760 and 1850, stagecoaches...
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