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Nov 2, 20133 min read
Benefits cuts: How West Calder reacted
Benefits cuts, austerity measures, local authority budgets stretched to the limit, households struggling to make ends meet, social unease...

Sep 5, 20135 min read
When Torphichen was the centre of Scotland
It's a long time since the wee village of Torphichen was a bustling busy centre, a destination for royalty, a stop-off point for...

Jan 10, 20134 min read
Henry Bell, Torphichen's unsung hero
Hardly anybody has heard of him, but Torphichen-born Henry Bell was the first man to successfully apply steam power to shipping so that...

Jul 4, 20124 min read
There's a coach coming in!
West Lothian’s varied travel history includes a 90 year period when stagecoaches ruled the roads. Between 1760 and 1850, stagecoaches...

Jul 2, 20124 min read
He founded the world’s oil economy, became a billionnaire and saved the whales
Just off the A71 through Polbeth there is a bucolic nook which seems worlds away from the hustle and bustle of the main road. In the...

Nov 3, 20114 min read
Hare Hill Crash
In 1943 Britain was at war. On a clear day, from the top of Hare Hill in the Pentland Hills, you could see a great deal of Edinburgh. You...

Nov 1, 20114 min read
The Abandoned Village of Bangour
Most locals are aware of the abandoned village of Bangour, an impressive collection of buildings on the hillside just north of...

Sep 5, 20115 min read
When Pumpherston had an empire
The sign welcoming visitors to Pumpherston says “Historic centre of shale oil industry.” This simple description belies the enormity of...

May 4, 20114 min read
Hatton House, the grandest of them all
These days you don't need Mons Meg, the giant cannon now at the top of Edinburgh Castle, to gain access to the site of Hatton House from...

Mar 2, 20114 min read
The canal builders
Hard labour went into cutting the earth in the first place for the canal, many years before powerful machines could help

Feb 2, 20112 min read
The Ratho murderer : last public hanging in Edinburgh
Delve into your family history and what will you find? Lives that were eccentric, funny or sad? But what if alarming family events jump...

Mar 1, 20102 min read
Do you know where this local mansion is?
Its rooms, which once echoed to the sounds of family and socialising, began to echo to the sound of shale dumped on the advancing bings

Nov 7, 20093 min read
When The Camps was a household name
''Here the pulse of life beat strong at one time, here large bands of young men were wont to assemble of a summer's evening to take part...
Jan 5, 20092 min read
Who was Lizzie Bryce?
Lizzie Bryce was born to William Baxter and his wife Margaret Wilson in the parish of Mid Calder in January 1776. She grew up like any...
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